Welcome, Petalumans.
We could use your help right now with this.
Are you tired of the deceptive and downright silly “Race to 5G” propaganda attempting to convince Americans that the dense 4G/5G so-called “small” Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (sWTFs) in front of our homes — with antennas that spray excessive Effective Radiated Power (ERP) into in our bedrooms at 25 million times higher than needed for 5-bars cellular coverage, resulting in scientifically-established melatonin-suppression, immuno-suppression, and immediate/direct neurological damages — is acceptable to Americans, in any way, shape or form? NEWS FLASH: The lack of public safety, 24/7 surveillance and lowered property values from these insufficiently-regulated extreme density 4G/5G sWTFs has never been acceptable — particularly when constructed next to homes, schools or parks.
Let’s learn from the past . . .
In 1965, a modest book shook a powerful industry
and resulted in passage of the
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

. . . which actually worked.

Over 50 years later, we need local laws to reign in a similarly arrogant and even greedier industry — Wireless Telecom — an industry, abetted by a fully-captured Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The solution is simple: we need local laws to establish Speed Limits, Seat Belts and Airbags for Wireless Infrastructure — those sWTFs being constructed in our public rights-of-way. Cooperative federalism and local ordinances work, but we need protective ordinances passed asap because . . .
sWTFs Next to Homes, Schools and Parks is a Disaster
On November 20, 2019, we informed both the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SF-PUC) and the SF Board of Appeals (SF-BOA) — in the public record — that sWTF, shown below, should not be powered on because it lacked substantial written evidence of FCC-Mandated NEPA review. They ignored that and powered on the sWTF, anyway — just 12-15 feet from a woman’s 2nd-story bedroom window. Three months later, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had a bloody mass surgically removed from her head — shaved head, zipper scar — the full works. When told of these events on March 4, 2020, San Francisco would STILL NOT power off this sWTF. There are similar disasters brewing all over the country: including in Sacramento and Tucson.

Not 4-foot antennas, but 4-inch antennas are sufficient for telecommunications service.
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Antennas closer than 500 feet from homes are too close.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere et molestias neque consectetur, soluta hic minus quo ex! Aut atque quod deleniti voluptatem expedita. Animi dicta voluptatum veniam soluta consequatur.

Heavy-industrial, Wireless factory equipment (antennas) placed above high-voltage lines is a fire hazard.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptate beatae ullam excepturi repellendus accusamus officiis, cumque molestias tempore delectus inventore nostrum fugit quos a, sunt quisquam autem distinctio quis pariatur.

Don’t tolerate similar OSHA violations in your locality.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi rerum nam adipisci beatae repellendus obcaecati minus est earum numquam odio iste aliquam culpa, a fuga assumenda, in! Eveniet, ratione error. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.