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Petaluma for Wireless Safety!
Oppose a Major League Cell Tower that will harm our public safety, privacy and property values!
Please sign up here to help & then sign our petition.
Mark your calendars for Tue Dec 8, 2020 @ 7:00 pm for a Joint meeting of the Petaluma Planning Commission and the Historical & Cultural Preservation Committee (HCPC), two bodies that will make the decision on whether or not to issue a permit for the Petaluma Creamery to construct — on its roof — a Wireless Telecommunications Facility (WTF) that is comprised of 16 six-foot tall Antennas. Collectively, these antennas have the capability of outputting over 2.3 million Watts of Effective Radiated Power (EPR) 24/7 — year after year.
This huge amount of unnecessary power output will be 50–100 million times higher than that needed for “5-Bars” for telecommunications service. Such power will ruin the Quiet Enjoyment of Streets (and homes) for much of a 28-square mile area of Southwest Petaluma.
View the PLMA-20-0003/PLUP-19-000 project files, public record submissions and read Petaluma’s current Wireless Telecom Muni Code.

The June 23 Petaluma Planning Commission Hearing was Cancelled! Good job, all.
AGENDA for Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 7:00 P.M.
Agendized Item 2. NEW BUSINESS:
A. Verizon Wireless Facility — Conditional Use Permit for a “major” telecommunications facility that includes more than three antennas and is within 75 feet of a residential property. Site Plan and Architectural Review for a telecommunication facility consisting of the installation of sixteen (16) total panel antennas contained within four (4) seven-foot tall radomes and associated supporting equipment mounted on the roof of the existing Petaluma Creamery building. Staff: Justin Shiu, Senior Planner Address: 611 Western Avenue
In compliance with Government Code Section 54955, Planning Division staff will recommend that this item be continued to a date certain of August 11, 2020, and that no discussion or action take place on this item on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. If Planning Commission members are not present on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, Planning Division staff will continue consideration of the Verizon Wireless Facility project application to a date certain of August 11. 2020 in accordance with all applicable requirements of the Brown Act (Government Code section 54950 and following).
VHP, what’s that? VHP stands for Vertical • Horizontal • Power— the three Amigos of Antennas! If our City has not regulated all three — as a set — then it has accomplished nothing. Learn more here.
All of us who live within two miles of the Corner of Western and Baker Avenues are being placed in harms way by a Verizon/Complete Wireless Antenna Farm (PLMA-20-0003/PLUP-19-000): 16 Antennas capable of Outputting more than 2.3 million Watts of Effective Radiated Power.
Can you spell O-V-E-R-K-I-L-L?
What do you think . . . this is 2.3 million Watts of Effective Radiated Power (ERP) vs. the abilities of these cute-as-button children to sleep, heal, and develop their brains without such a massive invasion that threatens the rights of this family on Western Ave. to the Quiet Enjoyment of their streets and their own home . . . Is this invasion necessary? Of course not.
Wireless Cos. need only 0.1 Watt of ERP for telecommunications service (wireless phone calls) something that everyone can already do quite well within the two-mile radius of the Petaluma Creamery.
What is going on?